+91 9927637050 info@savitadevimahavidyalaya.in
Admission Open for Session 2023 - 24.............
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Chairman\'s Desk
Chairman\'s Desk

As early as 1992, when our Founder Shri R.P. Singh Nehra took the soul-stirring decision to invest his entire savings on establishing a higher educational institution, especially for the rural and marginalized students, he emeged as an agent of social change. A college is the vehicle that the youth rely on the most, to learn and advance knowledge. The vehicle we have build here is an enormously powerful one and has been highly productive over the past 13 years.

With the firm belief that the goal of true education is education is holistic development, the group ensures imparting values, ethics and confidence in young talents to harness their full potential, thereby creating social capital necessary for establishing a healthy society.

In this great campus, our students are surrounded by astonishing resourses -- fascinating fellow students from all over India, a learned and caring faculty, a well-stocked library, superb sport facilities and extra-curricular opportunities covering every conceivable interest -- from arts to sports and from entrepreneurship to community service. They will have complete freedom to explore, learn about new subjects, meet new people and pursue new passions. I want to encourage our students, in every way that i can, to make the most of this rare and unique opportunity.

The management carries out directive, operational and evaluative functions by promoting participative culture and collective leadership. With a clear perception of the vision and mission, SDMV establishes itself as an on the move organization, aiming at excellence in every sphere of institutional life.

I welcome you to search the never ending arch of amalgamated knowledge. walk the untrodden path. sezing opportunities, never thought of as possible and be a beacon for generation to come.

I welcome you to the family of SDMV
I welcome you to a worldof opportunities ...Best Wishes

Dr. Kusum Lata



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Facilities At a Glance